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Characteristics of My Dream Rug Products:

1- Lint free and non-allergic :
My dream rug product is lint-free and non-allergic without any side effects on consumers’ health at their life.
2- Anti-stain:
My dream rug product is anti-stain and easy to clean. This characteristic helps to keep the carpet clean for a long time.
3- Anti-bacterial:
As the first producer of anti-bacterial machine-made carpets, my dream rug group is the holder of institute certificates and patents. Our product has a high washing fastness till 20 times washing processes. This characteristic has a positive effect on bacteria and fungi growth prevention.
4- Fire retardant:
My dream rug product is fire retardant. This kind of characteristic helps to decrease the rate of firing. On the other hand, this kind of character directly reduces the risk of financial loss in firing events.
5- Utilization of the filament & elegant yarns in production has made our carpets very soft & delicate.